Career inspiration is an odd title but when you think about it, nothing can be more inspiring than seeing someone doing a job very well and enthusing about it, encouraging everyone around them to also enjoy it and life in general. You could say that a certain industrial giant with a sweet name has inspired hundreds and hundreds of new start up businesses – he was well known as the king of the start up, having been a true barrow boy in his teen years. He literally worked his way up from the bottom to very much being top banana. So successful for so long, and having a reputation for not taking any nonsense, he has a brilliant tv show, now in it’s umpteenth year, where he puts money forward in a knock out competition to find a suitable business partner for one of his own businesses. The competition for places is dreadfully tough and young ‘would-bes’ have to make out a very eye catching and heart stirring applicaton. If chosen they have to either have several months worth of leave stacked up or they have to leave their current job in order to take part over several weeks. There is only one winner and no prize for 2nds or 3rds.